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Ethos Wind Symphony

Ethos Wind Symphony

Ethos Wind Symphony

Ethos Wind Symphony

Wind Symphony
Step One:
Step Two:
Auditions will be held on November 10 between 2-8pm. Students will audition with the same scale/sightreading requirements and musical excerpts as set by MTSBOA for your grade. CLICK HERE to access the MTSBOA audition music.
A comprehensive program for students in grades 3 through 8, the Ethos Children's Choirs are committed to excellence in choral music in a positive and affirming setting. While the Ethos Children's Choirs rehearse at Stewarts Creek High School, the ensembles are open to students from any public, private, or home school in Middle Tennessee. After auditions, children are placed in a choir appropriate for their age and musical development. Reach out to Dr. Russell at for more information.
The Ethos Wind Symphony is open to public, private, and home school wind and percussion players from across Middle Tennessee. Enriching what students learn in their school band class and from private lesson instructors, the Wind Symphony offers students the opportunity to play in an advanced wind/percussion ensemble, preparing music at an accelerated rate and learning from other talented students. Contact Mr. Aydelott at for more information.
Ethos Wind Symphony (grades 8-12)
Rehearses Mondays from 5:50-7:20pm
Stewarts Creek High School
301 Red Hawk Parkway
Smyrna, TN 37167
Mr. Aydelott, conductor
$230 per year/$48 per month
(Nov through April - Scholarships Available)
2024-2025 Calendar for Ethos Wind Symphony
Sunday, November 10 - Auditions for Wind Symphony/Jazz Ensemble
November 18 - First Day of Rehearsals for Wind Symphony/Jazz Ensemble
Click Here for a Public Calendar for all Ethos Classes, Ensembles, and Performances
Logistical Information for Ethos Wind Symphony
Click Here to Read the Ethos Student/Parent Handbook
Click Here to Join the Wind Symphony Remind or text @windsym225 to 8-1010
Concert Attire for Ethos Wind Symphony
Formal Black Dress with sleeves
Black/Nude Hosiery
Black closed-toe dress shoes
Black Dress Pants and Black Shirt/Blouse (coat optional)
Black closed-toe dress shoes
Full Black tuxedo or Black Suit (pants and coat)
Wing-Tip Tuxedo Shirt
Black Bow Tie
Black Cummerbund optional
Black dress socks
Black dress shoes
Ethos Youth Ensembles
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